The tools and animations on this page allow you to perform relativistic calculations and to illustrate thought experiments at high speeds. The aim is to give the user a better familiarity with relativistic mechanics from a quantitative point of view.
Use this tool to convert energy expressed in certain units into other energy units. It’s easy to use. The prefix for the energy units ranges from “Yokto = 1.0e-24” to “Yotta = 1.0e+24”.
Use this tool to calculate relativistic quantities depending on the speed, such as Lorenz factor, length contraction and frequency shift. The speed is given in absolute values between -1 and 1, as a fraction of the speed of light.
Relativistic Energy Calculator
Use this tool to calculate the energy of physical bodies at any speed. If you want to know the kinetic energy of an electron at 99.3% of the speed of light or how much the mass of a proton changes at the same speed, then this is the right tool for you.
At this link you can view animations that illustrate the thought experiments of the book “Newton and Relativity”. Each animation relates to a specific chapter.